My best friend, Camille, had a birthday recently and I decided what she really needed was a bag to hold her Tarot Cards in. So I set out to the local fabric and craft store, Joann in Ballard (where there is always a sale going on!). I can spend hours in this place touching pretty things and dreaming of my next projects! There were so many fabrics to choose from, but I wanted to get just the right ones to make Camille's gift with. There were several cool Halloween textiles on super-sale, but they were all to cartoony for sexy-witch Camille! I had to find something deep and tactile, soulful and mysterious... and then I saw it, the indigo velvet that haunts my dreams and that Camille needed in hers. I scooped it up and set off to find the next fabric for her Tarot Spread Blanket.
Since Camille has been digging on skulls lately, I went back near the Halloween fabrics where I had seen some, but again, they weren't cutting it. This star fabric sparkled at me, and it matched the velvet perfectly! I was so excited to get started on this project!
Now, I'm not a big sewer, so I was a little intimidated, but figured I could always pick up a bottle of wine as backup. It actually turned out to be very easy once I got going - it was mainly all about pinning and sewing the edges together. I sewed a little pocket into the inside of the bag containing a crow feather and lavender for protection. And as a finishing touch I added beads - spirals (which seem to be Camille's talisman as of late), and blue glass beads to match all the fabrics.
Last Friday, Camille had a birthday party at The Capitol Club, an old hangout of ours and we had a wonderful drinky time! I saw a bunch of old friends who I haven't seen in ages - including Jason Waskey (go check out his paintings, stat!). Thanks for being born Camille, I'm so happy to call you a friend. Now, go embrace your inner Hierophant!