Since moving here in June of 2007, I've had many visitors, including lots of interesting birds. These are a few of them....
Dove - don't know what type. A mating pair visited spring 2008 and hung out for awhile. I found them interesting because they were much larger and more elegant than a typical city pigeon.

Red-Tailed Hawk: Has been visiting me since early October 2008. I've been very impressed with this one! This hawk is so huge and majestic. The first visit, I was raking leaves and not enjoying it very much b/c the gutters had just been cleaned and there was black sludge all over my deck. I stopped to rest and looked up and there she was! She was looking at me but it was obvious she was really there for my chickadee friends who were flocking to the feeder. Yesterday she snatched up a chickadee from right next to my deck! "Oh well," I thought "it's the cycle of life." I'll miss you little chickadee!

Black-capped Chickadee: These little guys visit daily and are so sweet! I have a feeder that I fill with their favorite black sunflower seeds. When I sit out on my deck to watch them, I feel like Cinderelly in the scene where all the birds and mice join forces to make her a gown - yes, my deck is that idyllic!

Steller's Jay: These little buggers love to make trouble! They dive-bomb my feeder and chase all the lovely chickadees away. I can't really keep up with their feeding needs, but will occasionally line my deck railing with almonds, peanuts, or walnuts which they love. They stuff them down their throats and take a few at a time back to their nests or other secret hiding spots.

The Barred Owl: I've only seen this guy once. I think it was November 2007? It was late, I had all my lights off and was getting ready to watch a scary movie when I saw something big flash by the window next to my tv. Not being a scaredy-cat, I lept up and flew outside to find this wonderfully noble creature perching upon a limb above the holly tree that guards my house. The Owl seemed to be as curious about me as I was of him - his head was bobbing around as I starred at him in disbelief! Please remember, I am only a 20 minute walk away from downtown Seattle! This was really the first indication to me that I was going to have many interesting visitors at my treehouse on the edge of the ravine...